Awareness Program
May 28, 2024 0 Comment

Drug addiction remains a pervasive issue in Dhaka, impacting individuals and families across all strata of society. In response to this critical challenge, a significant awareness program was held at Dania University College, aiming to shed light on the importance of drug addiction treatment and prevention. The program, organized in collaboration with the Utshob Drug Addiction Treatment Center, brought together key figures in the fight against narcotics to engage and educate the community.

Highlighting the Event

The event was graced by the presence of several notable guests. Alhaj Mostaq Ahmed, the esteemed Counselor of Ward No. 62, served as the chief guest. His commitment to addressing the drug crisis in his community was evident in his heartfelt address, where he emphasized the need for continuous efforts in raising awareness and providing support for those battling addiction.
Assistant Director of the Department of Narcotics Control Dhaka Metro, Mr. Subrata Sarkar Shuvo, also attended as a special guest. In his speech, he highlighted the government’s ongoing initiatives to curb drug abuse and the importance of community involvement in these efforts. Mr. Shuvo’s insights into the legal and regulatory aspects of drug control provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted approach required to tackle this issue.

Dr. Abul Hasnat, Senior Medical Officer of the Utshob Drug Addiction Treatment Center, conducted the program. With years of experience in addiction treatment, Dr. Hasnat shared valuable information on the psychological and physiological aspects of addiction, underscoring the critical role of medical and psychological support in recovery.

Awareness programs like the one held at Dania University College play a pivotal role in combating drug addiction. These initiatives serve several key purposes:

  • 1. Education: They provide crucial information about the dangers of drug use, the signs of addiction, and the available treatment options. Educating the public helps in early detection and intervention, which are vital for effective treatment.
  • 2. Reducing Stigma: Many individuals struggling with addiction fear judgment and discrimination, which can prevent them from seeking help. Awareness programs help reduce the stigma associated with addiction, encouraging more people to come forward and seek treatment.
  • 3. Community Engagement: Such events foster a sense of community involvement and responsibility. When community leaders, healthcare professionals, and law enforcement officials come together, it sends a strong message of solidarity and support to those affected by addiction.
  • 4. Support Networks: Awareness programs often introduce individuals to various support networks and resources available in their community. Knowing where to find help can make a significant difference for someone in need.
    Key Takeaways

During the program, attendees learned about the comprehensive treatment approaches available at facilities like the Utshob Drug Addiction Treatment Center. Dr. Hasnat emphasized the importance of a holistic treatment plan that includes medical care, psychological support, and social reintegration. He also highlighted success stories of individuals who had overcome addiction, providing hope and motivation to those currently struggling.

Alhaj Mostaq Ahmed, Ward Counselor of DSCC Ward No 62, in his address, called for increased funding and resources for addiction treatment centers and urged local businesses and organizations to contribute to these efforts. He also stressed the importance of family support in the recovery process, reminding everyone that addiction affects not just the individual but their loved ones as well.

Mr. Subrata Sarkar Shuvo discussed the ongoing efforts by the Department of Narcotics Control to curb the supply of illegal drugs and the importance of stringent law enforcement combined with public awareness.

The awareness program at Dania University College was a resounding success, bringing much-needed attention to the issue of drug addiction in Dhaka. By fostering a better understanding of addiction and promoting the resources available for treatment, such initiatives pave the way for a healthier, drug-free future for the community. The collaboration between community leaders, healthcare professionals, and law enforcement highlights the comprehensive approach needed to effectively combat this crisis. As Dhaka continues to confront the challenges of drug addiction, ongoing awareness and education will be crucial in driving positive change and supporting those in need.